Showing posts with label criminal justice system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label criminal justice system. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ron Paul is not racist, he's right

The following italicized statements have been attributed to Ron Paul through his past newsletter. They are being used to falsely smear him as a racist. They have been debunked in the past but are in need of a fresh new whoopin'.

“If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably-fleet-footed they can be.”

The following expert from 'Racism Revisted' provides an accurate and plausible explanation for this comment.

--- WATCH A 100m men's sprint race at the Olympics and you will see an all-black line up. It would be difficult not to conclude that black races are the fastest because other races have had just as much opportunity to develop their genetic sprinting talent but are unable to run as fast. For us to refuse to even entertain that observation because it is racist is an act of denial. On the other hand, finding that most of the participants at a world theoretical physics convention are Asian or Caucasian does not lead to the conclusion that these races are cleverest scientifically because other races have not had the same opportunity and expectation to develop their genetic talent in this area… yet. If and when our societies become truly multicultural, differences between races will become more evident, unless society chooses to deny all differences. ---

“Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”

I challenge anyone to give me a logical explanation as to what exactly is racist about this comment when taken in context. Dr. Paul is simply stating, quite simply actually, that the criminal justice system is inherently racist in a way that makes 95% of black males out to be criminals. To prescribe this comment to Dr. Paul as proof of racism is absolute intellectual dishonesty, perhaps by the actual racists themselves. We all know they like to hide behind a cloak. Read the statement nice and slowly, it could be re-worded as such, "'The Man' has long criminalized and marginalized the black community, as evidenced by the laughable criminal justice system under which it seems that 95% of black males are criminals." I'm a white male and I have been profiled by law enforcement on more than one occasion, once because I had a large black male with me and the other because I was leaving a predominately black neighborhood late at night. To acknowledge the racism inherent in law enforcement and the criminal justice system is not racist at all, those that try to tell you that it is are perhaps the real racists.

“Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action.”

Again, I challenge anyone to tell me what exactly is racist about this statement. At the time the statement was shown the opinion polls showed exactly that. Welfare, affirmative action, socialism and a nanny-state ARE NOT sensible political opinions. 'The Man' has long marginalized the black community by lying to them and discriminating against them. Affirmative Action is racist. It tells a black person that they are lesser than a white person, which is obviously not true. Affirmative Action is only trumpeted by those that pimp and profit from the black community, like 'The Man' and Al Sharpton. Gov't regulations in the free market, intrusions on individual liberty, welfare and affirmative action are all unconstitutional. Thankfully the percentage given would be much higher these days as the black community is finally realizing the ways they've been pimped by 'The Man' and their own black leaders. Don't hate on RP for telling the truth.

"“The Criminals who terrorize our cities - in riots and on every non-riot day - are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are. As children they are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills, to fight the power, to steal and loot as much money from the white enemy as possible. Anything is justified against The Man.’”

First off, crime stats back up the beginning part of the statement. Today there are many more Latino prisoners than a decade ago but it's impossible to deny that prisons are largely occupied by minorities. It's directly related to the inherent racism in the criminal justice system. When you take away a child's father because he sold some weed that does not do any good for the child, mother or father. When similar things are done generation after generation by 'The Man', eventually the oppressed fight back and anything becomes justified in retaliation from their perspective. Ron Paul simply has the intelligence and courage to address these issues head on, as do I. He would...scratch that... he WILL put everyone on a even playing field and put an end the discrimination that has been brought upon the black community by the government itself. I challenge you to show this argument to any black folks you may know and gather their thoughts on it. He would end ALL of the programs that've been discriminating against blacks for generations. Ron Paul is the MOST black-friendly candidate in the field, soaring like an eagle way above any other candidate.

Me? I'm not an eagle. I'm more like a Peregrine Falcon. You really don't want to mess with me.